Scott Tiedens - KSP 643

Minnesota State University Mankato Educational Technology Program

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Elementary Follow Up


I want you to know that I’m pushing hard to make changes. I want our program to be good. The elementary (believe it or not) is on board. I’m working really hard trying to get good information that can help us make a good curriculum and assessment. It’s not going to happen all this year but we have a good start.

We did meet with Chris Correa in the afternoon yesterday. What she tried to have us do really confused everybody. Nobody understood exactly what she wanted. It was frustrating for her and us. She was trying to get us to align our essential questions with our benchmarks. However the wording and how it was explained left all of us in the dark. Either she didn’t explain it well enough or we need to be on IEPS J. I’m sure we will revisit it. I think with what I got from Wayzata will help us a lot next time we meet.

As for the assessment piece. Here is what we are thinking at the elementary. We are going to assess in 3 areas. Psychomotor, Cognitive, and Affective in each unit we teach. Right now we are top heavy in the affective domain. As a matter of fact that really is the only thing we grade in. We will continue to use our check sheet to grade the affective piece. For the Cognitive domain we are going to start doing a “unit finale.” Check out the attachment its going to look something like that. We are still struggling with is the Psychomotor piece. I think its going to come down to another check list with a rubric.

For example

Task: Dribble and shoot an object at a goal.


4. Displays all the essential elements with fluid motion

3. Dribbles the hockey puck with all essential elements (grip, continuous dribble, use both sides of stick, maintains slow jog)

2. Dribbles with 3 of 4 essential elements

1. Dribbles with 2 or fewer essential elements

0. Violates safety procedures and or does not complete the assessment task

This is what we came up with so far. What do you think?

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